Friday, 30 December 2011

Where has the time gone?!

Soon after the wedding, I thought I'd have time to get back to my art work. It didn't happen!

My wedding was wonderful as was our mini-moon. However, when I got back it was back to work- add to this that I needed to cover for a friend who had an operation and I was back working a full time job!

Christmas has been and gone with all the racing around that entails. It went well and I enjoyed the holiday but I'm left with this Christmases are no longer Christmassy sort of feeling.

Anyway I've drawn a picture it's called "Return To The Abyss". I was kind on inspired by a post from The Bloggess- called the Tightrope walker.

The figure in my picture is me returning to the edge of the hole. A place  I and others find themselves and desperately try not to fall in. Some times you fall in. It's hard to climb out. But when you do (and you can) you are are stronger for it. Like The Bloggess says "Depression is a lying Bastard"

For me this is what depression is like. The first time I experienced it, it was like being enveloped in darkness. You just find yourself in the bottom of this incredibly deep hole with sheer sides. The next time I knew the signs better... I could feel myself slipping and managed to catch myself before I fell in. Sometimes you fall in.

I enjoyed creating this picture, it was quick and simple but has real meaning to me. I used pastels and ink. The ink made the paper warp... I need thicker paper!